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Ebook Instagram Blackbook

How Did Instagram Begin?
Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom are the main names behind the invention of Instagram. It was evolved from an application for iPhones known as Burbn.

The Burbn app was alittle too complicated in its initial stages but the duo worked on it. They finally made it into a simpler concept and called it Instagram.

At first, Burbn could be used to check in,
make future plans, and earn points and such.

They then decided to remove all the clutter and focus on being good at one specific thing.

Their point of focus turned out to be sharing mobile photography. Considering it was similar to an instant telegram, theyre named it as Instagram.

Kevin Systrom actually learned how to code all by him self without signing up for any professional courses.

He then went ahead and built the Burbn prototype in HTML5 and gave it to his friends to try out.

Soon after he attended a party prospective investors were attending. Since they agreed to invest in his idea, he quit his job and went all in.

Kevin then started working with Mike Krieger to build Burbn. They realized that all the different functions that they tried to cram in were making things worse.

Focusing on sharing photos, they built a prototype. However, this did not workout well either.

They made Burbn an iPhone app
but it still wasn’t what they were looking for. Decluttering everything, they decided to focus solely on the photos.

Renaming this simple yet ingenious photo sharing version as Instagram, they launched it.

And as we all know, became an over night

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